TLC Gabon News: Appointment of Thomas Bruneau as Country Manager
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The European new customs pre-arrival security and safety programme Import Control System 2 (#ICS2), enters in force as from this Wednesday 1st March.
Through improved customs security processes driven by data and adapted to global business models, the system aims to better protect the European single market and its citizens.
In a nutshell, IC2 will collect data about all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival. Economic Operators will have to declare safety and security data to ICS2, through the Entry Summary Declaration. The obligation to start filing such declarations starts next week. Refer to the attached for further information.
To get informed and gain understanding of the new requirements, please reach out to the TLC agent in your area.
Source: https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/customs-security/import-control-system-2-ics2-0_en